Marat Safin"s Schedule

Oct 14, 2007

Marat Safin, ‘I’m searching. Constantly.’


New Article from "Izvestia" (Oct, 2007)

Marat Safin is a unique person. Even though he lost his high rankings because of a serious injury, the former world number one is still interesting and intriguing for the fans, spectators and tournament management. And at the Kremlin Cup in Moscow this week he is, no doubt, the major star. Safin hates routine and he’s always sincere – sincere in his actions, behaviour, thoughts and words. That’s what Maria Kuznetsova from “Izvestia” had the chance to make sure of.

薩芬是個特立獨行的人。即便因為嚴重的傷病排名大幅下滑﹐球迷﹑觀眾及球賽經者仍喜愛這位前世界第一﹐並對他永遠感到好奇有趣。這周在莫斯科舉行的Kremlin杯﹐無疑地﹐他是最耀眼的明星。薩芬痛恨一成不變﹐也始終真實誠懇 - 在他的行動﹑行為﹑思想和談話等方面都毫不掩飾做作。IZVESTIA 的記者 Maria Kuznetsova在這次的訪問中證實了這一切。

‘When people have nothing to say, they come up with meddlesome advice’


Q: Let’s start with an unusual question. What were your thinking about when you woke up today?

Q 我們先開始一個比較不一樣的問題好了﹐今天一起床那一刻你在想什麼

MS: I guess, I didn’t think about anything at all, because it all goes automatically – practicing, playing. Waking up automatically, then shower, and then a ride to the courts. Boring… (frowning)

MS 我覺得﹐我沒想任何事﹐因為所有行程都很自動地進行著-訓練﹑比賽。時間到了起床﹐然後沖澡﹐之後開車到球場。無聊..... (一臉愁眉苦臉樣)

Q: Do you make plans then?

Q 你會事先作計畫嗎

MS: I never do, just because they never come true. Especially in here, during the tournament. Every minute of the day is fixed till the very evening. The only thing I can make plans about is where I’m going to have dinner.

MS 我從來不作計畫﹐因為它總不會實現﹐尤其在場上。每分每秒都是未知數直到晚上所有才得以確定。我唯一會計畫的是今晚要去哪裡吃晚餐。

Q: It’s annoying, isn’t it?


MS: Not that much, I just don’t like it. I want something new and exciting.


Q: What’s annoying then? What is the thing that gets on your nerves?


MS: It drives me mad, when some people say “Marat, you’re a talented player, but you should practice more. Usually people, who say something like that, know nothing or very little and have no relation to tennis. They have nothing more to say, so they come up with such advice.

MS 當人們說" 馬拉特﹐你是個有天份的球員﹐但是呀你應該多訓練些" 的時候﹐我聽了就快瘋了。通常說這些話的人對網球所知不多﹐甚至跟網球沒有關係。他們不知該講什麼﹐就隨便給些無聊沒營養的建議。

Q: And your new coach, Hernán Gumy from Argentina? He comes up with no advice?

Q 你的阿根廷新教練GUMY ﹐他難道也不給意見嗎

MS: You see any career has certain stages – the beginning, the middle and the end. When you’re just starting you should practice more, work on some elements, improve some of them... When you’re 25 it’s hard to change anything. I’m already a mature player, and I need a coach who can understand this. He can force me to do one thing, but at the same time he should let some other things go their own way.

MS 人的職業生涯有幾個階段 - 發跡 ﹑ 中期﹑末期。當你剛出道時﹐你當然應該要多訓練﹐加強一些技巧。。。但是到25歲後﹐要改變就難了。我已經是個成熟的職業球員﹐我需要一個瞭解這些事實的教練。他可以要求我做一件事﹐但同時他也要懂得讓其他一切順其自然。

Q: That’s what Gumy is like?

Q GUMY 就是這樣嗎

MS: He’s very calm. The point for him is to be this calm while he’s on court and not to make a fuss. Otherwise, you know, I might blow my top off.

MS 他很穩重。最重要的是﹐當他在場上時他要保持平靜﹐不大驚小怪。否則﹐你曉得的﹐我可是會失控崩潰

Q: Blow your top off? Like doing what?

Q 失控崩潰﹐比如怎樣

MS: Well, I might break my racket, or just tell everyone to… Well, you know how our Russian people swear. I bet you’ve heard workers at a construction site?

MS 嗯﹐我可能會摔拍﹐或者叫大家.....你曉得我們俄羅斯人都怎麼咀咒罵人的。你應該聽過工地工人罵人吧﹐就像那樣

Q: I have. What else annoys you?


MS: Phone calls. If someone is calling, they want something from you. I don’t like answering, and when I don’t people get offended and angry, ask why I haven’t called them back, what’s up. That’s what annoys me the most.

MS 電話。有人打來﹐他們有求於你。我不喜歡回電話﹐當他們咄咄逼人或生氣地 (這裡文法不太對﹐只好用上下文猜了) 問我為什麼不回電話﹐到底怎麼了時﹐我是最受不了的。

Q: And your friends? Who are they?


MS: Good question… Almost all of them have some business. But there are also artists. Different people who have been living a long life and who have great experience.


Q: And who is Shamil Tarpischev for you?

你怎麼看 Shamil Tarpischev (DAVIS CUP 隊長)

MS: Tarpischev? Shama… A genius coach and a man who easily finds a way out of any situation. He reads people perfectly, gets his ideas straight and has enormous experience. He sees people through – he just needs to talk to them for two minutes. I have a great respect for him.

MS Tarpischev? 天才教練﹐ 一個總有辦法解決事情的男子漢。他瞭解你﹐清楚地發揮他的想法﹐有豐富的經驗。只要跟你談個兩分鐘﹐就能看穿你。我十分尊敬他。

‘I recall my past so as not to walk on air too much’


Q: Comparing your old interviews and the more recent ones, it’s easy to see how much calmer and wiser you’ve become. Do you think much about yourself?

Q 將過去的專訪跟最近的一比較就不難發現你平和多了也變得更有智慧。你常常會想自己是什麼人嗎

MS: Depends on what you mean by it. Yes, I think about myself, but not in a narcissistic way. (laughing) You see, it’s important not to get too obsessed with yourself and only yourself. But at the same time you should love yourself. If you can’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? And people, who are close to us, also need our attention badly.

那看你從怎樣的角度來說。是的﹐我當然會想自己是怎樣的人﹐但可不是自戀﹑孤芳自賞的方式囉 (笑)。 你曉得﹐你不能太自以為是過度迷戀自己﹐只想到自己﹔然而同時你又得要好好愛自己。如果不能愛自己﹐你怎麼愛別人? 我們身邊親近的人﹐自然也需要我們多關心他們。

Q: What do you think about your life then?


MS: We all try to foresee what we’ll be doing in 5 years. And we set some goals for ourselves, because it’s very difficult to live without any. First a person aims at entering the university, than take a second degree. Then giving everything to work, to climb the career ladder. Thirdly he is just stuck in traffic jams every day. And then, at 50, he is hit by the realization, that he hasn’t actually done anything with his life. He was fussing, running around, but what for…

我們都想預知5年後自己會變成怎樣﹐因此我們會設定一些目標﹐否則很難繼續奮鬥下去。一般人通常開始就夢想進入大學﹐之後再拿另外一個學位。隨後不斷努力﹐試著在職場往上爬。再來咧﹐他每日奔波於交通﹐50歲時﹐他被殘酷的現實所打醒頓悟 - 其實在人生中他沒有真正成就什麼事。他只是一味忙碌﹐但所有的辛苦究竟是所為何來.......

Q: And you yourself?


MS: I’m searching. Constantly.


Q: You sound like a philosopher or like a priest.


MS: Nope, I don’t read the Bible.


Q: And what are you reading?


MS: The most recent one was “A Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

最近我念的是馬奎斯 的 "百年孤寂"。

Q: Never thought that you might like books of this kind.


MS: And what’s wrong about it? It’s kind of boring to read only classics all the time, I just need something different. So you go for the contemporary literature or something philosophical.

MS 有什麼不對嗎? 老是念古典文學會很無趣﹐我只想讀點不同的。所以就找點現代文學或哲學類的東西。

Q: What do you consider wealth?


MS: The years I’ve lived. I don’t need too much money, a house in Rublevka (the street in Moscow, where most of the rich and the famous live) or a villa in the French Riviera. Wealth for me is not all these material things, it’s a life experience.

財富嘛﹐是我過去所經歷的每一刻。我不需要很多錢﹐比如在RUBLEVKA (俄羅斯名流富人居住的地方)有棟房子﹐或者在法國避暑勝地有間別墅。財富對我來說並不全然是這些物質的東西﹐是人生經驗。

Q: You once said in an interview, ‘I’m lucky, because I’ve got out of poverty’.

可是你在一次專訪提到 "我很幸運﹐因為我得以脫離貧困"

MS: That’s not true, I’ve never put it that way. I’ve grown up at VDNH, which is quite a nice district of Moscow. Just the whole situation my family was in was not that great. The four of us were living in the flat of 20 square meters. I know that lots of people had worse conditions, but still. The point is that then I hadn’t had the actual chance of achieving anything serious in tennis. That’s why I’m saying – I’m lucky. A man appeared who gave money for me to go to Spain. It was a big amount of money – $ 300 000. You could imagine what $300 000 meant in 1994, couldn’t you? That was an inconceivable sum of money. So I’m still very grateful to that sponsor.

MS 那不是事實﹐我不是那個意思。小時候在VDNH﹐一個莫斯科寧靜的地區長大﹐家境不好﹐我們四個人擠在20平方米的小地方居住﹐當然我知道有很多比我們更慘﹐但畢竟還是糟透了。重點是﹐我沒有任何機會在網球有所成就。所以我才說﹐"我很幸運"。當時有個貴人出現﹐出錢送我到西班牙去。那可是一大筆錢 - 三十萬美金。你可以想像1994年30萬美金是什麼嗎﹐簡直是一筆難以想像的數字。所以﹐對於那位贊助先生我仍心存感激。

Q: Do you often go over the past? And what for?

Q 你會常常回想過去嗎﹐為什麼

MS: I do sometimes... And what for? In order not to loose the feeling of reality. You start to walk above the clouds, and then there it comes – a recollection from childhood, which immediately brings you back to the ground. For instance I go into the supermarket, where the shelves are full of different yummy things, and recall standing in line to buy some sugar. That’s exactly the moment, you know, when you start appreciating your life of today.

MS 有時會的... 為什麼?這樣才不會脫離現實。有時你平步青雲﹐不自覺飄飄然漫步在雲端般﹐ 之後﹐你回想童年時光﹐會馬上把自己拉回現實。比方說﹐我去超市﹐看到架子上有很多好吃的東西﹐便想起以前排隊買糖吃的情景。那正是你開始珍惜現狀的時刻。

Q: Have these recollections become an extra stimulus for achieving some success?


MS: Of course. Otherwise, who would I have been if I hadn’t got into the tennis elite? Ok, a coach who gets $15 per hour. That might be enough for living, but hardly enough for a family and definitely not enough for buying a flat and a car. And then what? I don’t like this hopeless kind of life.

當然。否則﹐如果進入網球壇後我會變成什麼樣子? OK﹐當一個教練一小時拿15塊錢。生活自然不成問題﹐但養家就辛苦了﹐更別提買公寓或車子。然後呢? 我不要這種絕望的生活。

‘I wear pants that cost me $20’


Q: You’re thought to be one of the most eligible bachelors of the country. How do you choose girls?

Q 你可是我們國家最有價值的單身漢。你擇偶條件是什麼

MS: Just the same way you choose us. I look at the face and a bit lower.

MS 跟你們怎麼選我們沒什麼兩樣阿。我看她長什麼樣子﹐再往下瞧一瞧。

Q: What do you value in women?


MS: Personality. Character is not a small thing either.


Q: How do you feel about marriage?


MS: I’m positive about it. But only after the children are born. After having been living with someone for 15 years you understand if you really love him or her.


Q: Not earlier? What happens before then?

不會更早嗎? 在那之前呢

MS: Love at the very beginning is an illness, a wild and feverous one. Then it transforms into respect, without which two people just can’t live together for long. Or either it does not transform, and to understand this you need time.


Q: Are you fashion-conscious?


MS: Not really. I don’t wear Versace; I don’t have Dolce&Gabbana or Cavalli jeans. I’m not trying to buy things of the latest fashion – I just don’t need that. I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone. There’s no one to prove anything to, and what for, after all?

MS 不會。我不穿VERSACE﹐也沒有D&G 或 Cavalli 牛仔褲。我不買最新流行的衣服﹐我實在不需要那些。我並不用對任何人證實什麼。我需要對誰證明事情呢﹐況且﹐證明了又有何意義?

Q: But you like to dress up smartly and nicely?


MS: Just have a look. Now I’m wearing jeans that I’ve bought for $20 on sale in the States, white socks that definitely don’t fit the image, shoes that are probably older than myself and a torn T-shirt.

MS 就是像個樣子吧。現在我穿的是在美國買的20塊打折牛仔褲﹑不太搭調的白襪﹑還有一雙比我還老的鞋子﹐跟一件破舊的 T SHIRT。

Q: And what about Rolex on your wrist?


MS: (laughing) Ah, this… It’s for free. I’m promoting it.

MS (笑) 阿﹐這個阿。這免費的﹐我是代言人。

Q: But you won’t deny your passion for good cars?


MS: No (smiling) I like to be comfortable sitting.

MS 不會 (微笑)。我喜歡舒服地駕駛。

Q: What do you prefer?


MS: I’ve got two right now – Mercedes and Porsche. The first I got as a present, the second – I bought myself.

MS 我現在有兩台車 - MERCEDES 跟 PORSCHE。前者是人家送的﹐PORSCHE﹐我自己買的。

Q: Well, rather expensive ones…

Q 嗯﹐那挺貴的...

MS: I’ve told you. One is a present. The second I bought with a huge discount - about 50%, it was sold to me by a friend of mine. You should have rich friends with good cars. (laughing) As Ostap Bender said (the hero of one of the Russian books – The 12 chairs”, and “The Golden Calf”) – a car is not a sign of luxury, but a means of transport.

MS 我說了﹐一台是禮物﹐另外一輛我拿到很大的折扣﹐大概五折吧﹐是朋友賣我的。你一定要有一些擁有好車的有錢朋友才行呀 (笑)。 就像Ostap Bender (俄羅斯有名作家 )說的﹐車子不是奢華的象徵﹐它不過是交通工具罷了。

Maria Kuznetsova

Translated by Elisabeth

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