Players Party and tournament
МАРАТ в Tennis Trophy 2007 in Sankt Anton am Arlberg
posted by JS at 12/13/2007 2 comments
label : 2007 Tennis Trophy St Anton- 奧地利表演賽, 2007 Tournaments -比賽
3rd December 2007
Practice has been going very well in Valencia and Marat and Hernan Gumy are pleased with the progress. The relationship of coach and player is progressing well.
Marat's fitness training went well and he has lost 5 Kgs. He is slimmer, trimmer and raring to go.
VALENCIA 練習進行非常順利﹐MARAT 跟 GUMY 對於訓練進度很滿意。師生關係漸入佳境。
體能訓練也極為為成功﹐MARAT 瘦了5公斤。現在他更精瘦﹑輕贏﹐對於未來挑戰躍躍卻試。
As was seen in the photos that Alexandra Kindly provided from Valencia,(see her article Marat in Valencia preparing for 2008) Marat has changed racquets and is using the new Microgel Prestige which should be on general sale from January 2008. Marat is very very happy with this new racquet as it has a very similar feeling to the Prestige Finesse he used in 2000 and had so many good results with. It feels good to use.
就像各位看到官網ALEXANDRA 在VALENCIA 提供的照片跟文章﹐MARAT 換了球拍﹐使用 Microgel Prestige﹐此型球拍於2008 一月會正式上市。MARAT 很喜歡新球拍﹐感覺跟他2000年使用的Pregige Finesse很像﹐且這支球拍給予MARAT 極佳戰績﹐所以使用起來更為順暢
He and Hernan are so pleased with the way practice has gone that they have decided that Marat needs some competitive matches before going to Australia to begin the new season.
MARAT 跟教練對於訓練以來的結果很滿意﹐他們也認為在前往澳洲開啟明年新賽季時﹐MARAT 應該參與多一點競賽。
Marat will be at the Tennis Trophy at St Anton am Arlberg from 10 - 15 December. The actual exhibition runs from 12 - 15 December. It is called the "The greatest Tennis Party of the World" and there are both male and female participants. St Anton is a well know winter sports area particularly for skiing and they have for 20 years combined this with a tennis exhibition for men and women at this time of the year. Last year Novak Djokovic was there.
MARAT 於十二月10-15號會到St Anton am Arlberg﹐實際比賽則是12-15日。這個比賽名為"世上最偉大網球盛會"﹐男女各有比賽。St Anton是有名的冬季運動-滑雪觀光地﹐過去20年來每年十二月都會舉辦男女網球表演賽。去年 Djokovic 也有參加。
As there has also been a lot of snow lately in the area, Marat is looking forward to trying snowboarding - now that he is lighter he feels he can do it! He is already a very good skier so this is something else he would like to try in wintersports. Apart from the tennis that is.
此地會有大雪﹐MARAT 想試玩滑雪板﹐現在他變瘦了他覺得一定能駕輕就熟。MARAT 本來就是個優秀的滑雪者﹐所以他想嘗試新的運動。
This tournament is held indoors and will be a good preparation towards starting the year in Australia.
表演賽乃室內賽﹐對於準備明年澳網將很有助益。Link to the Tournament Website is
The site is only available in German.
Marat will travel to Melbourne Australia on 3rd January 2008.
MARAT 預定於2008年1月3日前往澳洲墨爾本。
posted by JS at 12/07/2007 0 comments
label : Latest Updates - 最新消息
Valencia, November the 26th, 2007.
The Tenisval Academy, where Marat grew up as a player and where other names such as Igor Andreev, David Ferrer, Anabel Medina-Garrigues and Dinara Safina also train, is situated in an area surrounded by fields of oranges trees and near marsh lands. It’s a quiet place where the only sounds to be heard come from the birds, or the occasional dog barking in one of the farms close by. The grounds are large with 12 outdoor clay courts, 2 greenset ones, a football camp, a handball court and a basketball court, and even a playground for children. In the main building you can find the offices, the restaurant/bar, the gym, and the player’s lounge. Closer to the courts is the smaller building of the locker room. All around the facilities there are gardens and shaded areas with trees and grass, giving it a soothing atmosphere. Everywhere you can only see kids in tennis gear, teenagers doing fitness exercises, and hear the soft ‘thwock’ of balls being hit on the courts. It’s the perfect place to focus on tennis and getting fit.
posted by JS at 12/02/2007 0 comments
label : Latest Updates - 最新消息
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