Marat Safin"s Schedule
Jul 19, 2007
Jul 16, 2007
BREAKING NEWS: Marat has a New coach !!
MARAT 有新教練了!!
new hardcourt season - new beginnings for Marat!
Friday 13 July 2007
Marat has today arrived in Los Angeles to begin the start of the US Open Series and the hardcourt season.
He is still very determined to get his season on track and as such Marat is pleased to announce the appointment of Hernan Gumy of Argentina as his new coach. They will start together from the Countrywide Classic in Los Angeles.
MARAT 已經抵達LA﹐並展開US OPEN 系列賽及硬地賽季。
他決心要在此賽季有所作為﹐且極興奮地宣布他任用了阿根廷籍的新教練 HERNAN GUMY。這次LA 的 Countrywide Classic便要開始合作。This change was unfortunately brought about by the fact that his good friend and coach Alexander Volkov has found that despite all his good intentions of being able to spend as much time as possible with Marat - his many other commitments have meant that he cannot give Marat the extra time he would like at this stage and so they have decided on an amicable parting.
因為MARAT 的好友兼教練VOLKOV 發現雖然他非常想幫MARAT也盡力播出時間﹐但是他其他的事務煩忙心有餘力不足﹐所以兩人師徒關係畫上友好的句點。
Hernan Gumy had a successful tennis career as a player and since moving to coaching , he has coached Gustavo Kuerten, Guillermo Canas and most recently Guillermo Coria. As a Spanish speaker he and Marat are able to communicate and in a way Marat is returning to his roots - his career started out in Spain and with a Spanish coach. In fact in Hernan's last years as a player - he and Marat played in some of the same tournaments.
HERNAN GUMY 曾是個優秀的球員﹐轉職為教練後曾經指導過 GUGA﹐ CANAS﹐及CORIA。由於母語也是西班牙文﹐兩人溝通沒有問題﹐換個角度看﹐MARAT 也像是回溯到自己的根-他職業生涯就是從西班牙開始﹐那時的教練也是西班人。HERNAN 退休前還曾跟MARAT 對陣過幾次。
For full details of Hernan Gumy's playing career please check the player details on the ATP website click here.
Marat said :
I am grateful to Sasha Volkov who in the last couple of years has always been there when I needed him, as a friend and coach, starting from Toronto 2000 and then the US Open 2000. He has been with me through many difficult periods of injury and I could always call on him as a friend.
He is in the US at the moment with the Russian Fed Cup team and then he has other commitments during the summer.
For me I feel that this summer is crucial for my career and I am determined to do something.非常感謝SASHA (VOLKOV)過去幾年來在我需要時總是陪伴我﹐亦師亦友﹐一切從2000年 TORONTO大師賽 及美網開始的。在我受傷暫別網壇的低潮期﹐他不錯棄我而去﹐總是能夠得到依靠。此刻他跟俄國女子聯邦杯球隊一同旅行﹐之後今年夏天他有新的事業要忙。我覺得這個夏季對我的職業生涯至為關鍵﹐我決心要有所改變。
I felt encouraged after my matches in Wimbledon and although I did not beat Roger, I did feel that I started to play better in the 3rd set. Although I felt encouraged I also realised I need to do something with my game to make sure I get back where I want to be - in the Top 10.
So I know I need to get fitter and Miguel Maseo will be there as my fitness trainer.
And with a new coach I feel that I can bring something more to my game. I look forward to working with Hernan with his experience. It is a new start in time for the Hardcourt season. I do not have a lot of points to defend this summer so I want to work hard and do well. My ranking is now 22 and my goal is to get higher.
I know I can improve and I will do my very best to be there again.在溫網之後我受到激勵﹐雖然沒能打敗ROGER﹐但是在第三盤我越打越順手了。雖然重燃信心我也意識到我必須在自己的球技/戰術上有所突破﹐這樣才能達自己重回前十的目標。我很清楚自己體能要更好﹐MAESO 將繼續擔任我的體能訓練師。而有了新教練﹐我想能夠提昇自己的層次﹐非常期待借重他的豐富經驗的合作模式。硬地賽季即將開跑﹐今夏我沒有太多保積分的壓力﹐因此我真的想要好好振作把球打好。我現在的排名是世界第22﹐而目標就是能提高排名。我深信我定會進步﹐也一定會努力實現夢想。
I wish a great summer to all my fans.
12 July 2007
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