Marat Safin"s Schedule

Dec 7, 2006

About Retiring in 2010 (interview with Marat)
有關退役2010年宣布一說 (另一個訪問澄清)

FROM MTF (Hope he can stay in the tennis circle as long as possible! Without him, it's be so boring!!)
在MTF 看到的一些俄文翻译

In the second part of the season you're coming back to the elite at a very fact pace. Prior that it was a long crisis. Did you feel bad, that you were literally written off all acounts?

- There are a lot of people, who would be happy with my failures. I am neither deaf, nor blind. I have read the press, and I listened to all conversations about how we could already bury Safin: he is degradant, he is destroying his life with parties and will not achieve anything more in life. Such talks could only feed my sportal grudge. I want to shut those people's mouths.
很多人看到我失败会很得意。我既非瞎子也不是聋子,也曾读报章杂志,更听到那些几乎要毁灭我的耳语 :他放纵贪玩自误前途,也不可能再有成就了。这样的谈话只会更激励我,有一天我要他们通通闭嘴!!!

- What more do you want to chieve in tennis?
- I want to come back to top 10, I want to fight for the biggest tournies. I do feel, that I have the strength to win GSs. I plan to play tennis until the point, when I could put the highest goals on me. I do not see any meaning and I have no interest in being in the second onehoundredth and playing challengers.

- Often in the press they citate you saying, you'll go away from tennis in four years. recently in L"Equipe you said that " Year 2010 will be the last in my career". Is this really true?
很多媒体都写著你曾讲的,你将於四年後退役。最近 L'Equipe的访问里你说,2010年将是你挥别网坛的时候。这是真的吗
- Of course, not (*you gotta love this guy *). I just got tired of answering such questions and said something like this on a press conference. I said it just to close the topic.
当然, 不是... 我只是很烦了,每次都重覆问同样的问题,所以乾脆在记者会宣布,希望大家不要再讨论这件无聊事了 (JS :MARAT,我以为是真的.....)
As a matter of fact, I do not want to look too far into the future. As the proverb says "The man makes planes, and God laughs at him". Who knows what will happen in 4 years? It coudl happen that next year I'll get tired of playing tennis and say good bye. Adn on the contrary, in 2010, I could resurrect and start winning tourny after tourny. That's why I want to repeat: I'll stay in tennis until I could play equally with the best of the bests.

- Have you thought about your after-tennis life? Haven't you thought of what would you like to do?
- A man cannot plan his very own tomorrow, let leave plannign teh far future. yes, I do have some kind of plans and thoughts, but still they do not have any particular shape or form.

I haven't made a detailed plan about the next season. Let's first deal with the current one (smiles).

- Who will coach you?
- This question is still open. Until the end of the season, I'll work with Alexander Volkov. After Paris, I'll try to sort out the opportunities.
这还是未知数。在年底之前,我会一直跟VOLKOV 合作。巴黎大师杯後,我会把各种可能性理清。

- Volkov is in the opportunities?
- Yes. But Alexander must decide whether he wants to continue working with me. After all, he has also other things to do.

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